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Téléchargement Gratuit Boys don't cry, by Malorie Blackman

Investissez votre temps , même pour un couple que de minutes pour consulter un livre électronique Boys Don't Cry, By Malorie Blackman L' examen d' un e-book va certainement réduire jamais aussi bien que perdre votre temps sans valeur. L' examen, pour certaines personnes finissent par être une demande qui est de faire tous les jours, comme passer du temps pour manger. Maintenant, juste vous? Aimez-vous de vérifier un e-book? Maintenant, nous allons vous montrer une publication tout nouveau intitulé Boys Don't Cry, By Malorie Blackman qui pourrait être une méthode flambant neuf de vérifier les connaissances. Lors de l' examen de ce livre, vous pourriez obtenir un point de se rappeler constamment à chaque fois que la lecture, aussi détaillé.

Boys don't cry, by Malorie Blackman

Boys don't cry, by Malorie Blackman

Boys don't cry, by Malorie Blackman

Téléchargement Gratuit Boys don't cry, by Malorie Blackman

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Boys don't cry, by Malorie Blackman

Détails sur le produit

Broché: 288 pages

Editeur : Livre de Poche Jeunesse (10 janvier 2018)

Collection : Livre de Poche Jeunesse

Langue : Français

ISBN-10: 2017038113

ISBN-13: 978-2017038115

Dimensions du produit:

12,5 x 1,4 x 17,8 cm

Moyenne des commentaires client :

4.4 étoiles sur 5

4 commentaires client

Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon:

99.513 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)

Je l'ai lu en français ce livre et j'ai eu envie de le lire en anglais puisque c'est un livre contemporain jeunesse ou le langage est assez facile à comprendre pour qui a un niveau de lycée en anglais.Donc dès le 1er chapitre que j'ai lu déjà çà m'a plu.Ce qui ne m'a pas plus en revanche c'est la qualité du livre moins bonne que celle en français, les pages de devant se sont décollées déjà en moins de 24 h, donc évidemment c'est un livre que je vais devoir garder.Je l'ai pourtant commandé neuf, allez comprendre ?

Un livre que mon fils de 18 ans a aimé, il le recommande vivement...une histoire qui atrape et aprend!

Malorie Blackman est une écrivaine britannique dont les histoires sont destinées à la jeunesse, ainsi que la catégorie young adult. Née en 1962 à Londres, Blackman possède des origines de la Barbade du côté de ses parents, et a toujours voulu être professeur d’anglais. Mais le destin en sera autrement puisqu’elle deviendra programmeuse informatique avec un Higher National Certificate de l’université de Greenwich et un diplôme de la National Film and Television School en poche. Elle se mariera au début des années 90 et donnera naissance à sa fille, Elizabeth, en 1995. Son premier livre Not So Stupid est un recueil d’histoires courtes d’horreur et de science fiction destiné aux jeunes adultes publié en 1990. Depuis, elle n’a cessé d’écrire puisque sa bibliographie plus de soixante romans couronnés par quinze récompenses. Son talent d’écriture, Malorie Blackman le met aussi au service de la télévision puisqu'elle a écrit des épisodes de séries télévisées. La liste de ses romans est tellement longue que je me contenterai de citer : la saga dystopique Entre chiens et loups (Noughts & Crosses), Pig-Heart Boy, Les insurgés (2013), Boys Don’t Cry en 2010, et Sombres étoiles en 2016.L’histoire de Boys Don’t Cry pourrait arriver à n’importe qui et é n’importe quel moment dans une vie. Ici, c’est le quotidien et le destin de Dante qui va être bouleversé quand vient sonner à sa porte son ex-copine Mélanie qu’il n’a pas revue depuis des mois. Dans ses bras, l’adolescente tien un bébé, le sien. Le Leur. Être père à 17 ans, ça, le jeune homme qui se voyait déjà entrer les portes de l'université à l’automne, ne l’avait pas prévu. Et s’il y a de quoi se mettre à pleurer, c’est bien connu, les garçons ne pleurent jamais.Comme je l’ai dit juste avant cette situation peut nous tomber dessus sans qu’on le prévoie ni le comprenne. Quand cela arrive les émotions, incompréhension et la surprise sont un "melting-pot" bien trouble dont on sait qu’après avoir trempé dedans on ne sera plus jamais le même. Ce récit s’inscrit donc dans un contexte réel et donne à réfléchir. En effet, si demain vous deveniez papa ou maman, comment le prendriez-vous ? Adultes ou adolescents, les réactions sont diverses mais inoubliables. En une fraction de seconde, votre vie change pour le meilleur et pour le pire. La grande force de Boys Don’t Cry est de ne jamais tomber dans le mélodramatique à faire grimacer ou chouiner. Alors que la quatrième de couverture pourrait donner à penser le contraire, on se retrouve avec une histoire pensée pour être touchante, juste et avec des sensations de légèreté. Autre chose surprenante est le fait que d’autres thèmes que celui de la paternité/maternité viennent aussi nourrir ce roman de moins de 300 pages.Cela passe par les personnages, notamment le frère homosexuel de Dante victime d’homophobie, du manque de proximité relationnelle avec le père, d’une mère partie bien trop tôt, et du mal-être que ressent notre protagoniste principal. On est donc loin du portrait cliché de la famille modèle américaine que beaucoup donnent à ses voisins. Malorie Blackman arrive à tisser sa fresque sans dénaturer son récit ou le rendre indigeste. C’est écrit avec délicatesse, émotion et sans jugement. En lisant le bouquin, le lecteur arrive à se trouver des points communs avec toutes ces personnes, et ne peux rester insensible à ce que dégage l’écriture de l’auteure. Par exemple, je peux dire que le lien qui se noue entre Dante et sa fille est émouvant à en avoir une larme ou deux au coin de l’oeil. Cette arrivée inattendue dans la vie de jeune homme le verra devoir refaire ses plans pour son futur, mais aussi de se poser de vraies questions concernant l’éducation de l’enfant et comment subvenir à ses besoins quand on est âgé de dix-sept ans.La plume de Malorie Blackman est parfaitement maîtrisée et la simplicité de vie de l’auteure se ressent dans son texte. L’intrigue mise en place ne laisse pas de temps pour s’ennuyer et on dévore très vite les 288 pages du roman sans s’en apercevoir. Chaque personnage impose sa vision de la vie, ses peurs et ses rêves de manière tendre mais dure à la fois.En conclusion, Boys Don’t Cry est un roman qui nous berce et qui a été ma première lecture de l’auteure, transformée en coup de coeur. Le style de Malorie Blackman rend la lecture très vite prenante et nous remue de l’intérieur. En découvrant ces personnages plus vrais que nature on ne peut qu’admirer leur courage et se sentir concerné par ce qui se passe dans leur vie. Après cette lecture on ressort comme émerveillé par ce monde beau mais douloureux avec une seule envie y retourner pour se laisser bercer encore un instant.

Gold Star Award Winner!BOYS DON'T CRY by Malorie Blackman is an emotionally charged story about love and family and the different shapes they sometimes take. This book is one you won't want to miss.Dante is anxiously awaiting his A Level exam results. He is proud of himself for taking the exams a year early, and he's eager to know if his scores will have him headed to university in the near future. But when a knock at the door brings his old girlfriend and not the postman, Dante is in for the surprise of his life.Melanie has been gone for over a year. The last time they spent any time together was at a friend's party. That night they were both drunk and ended up in an upstairs bedroom, where they had a less-than-memorable sexual encounter. Now, Melanie was sitting in his living room holding a baby on her lap. Dante is at first confused and then shocked when Melanie tells him the baby is his daughter, Emma.If finding out he has a daughter is not enough, Melanie asks Dante to watch the baby for a bit while she goes out to run an errand. Before he has a chance to object, she is gone. And not long after, Melanie calls from her mobile phone and tells Dante she won't be coming back.Dante's father is furious when he hears about his son's irresponsible sexual behavior, but to Dante's amazement, he immediately leaps into action, making a plan and getting the supplies they need to care for a baby. Dante is equally shocked when his younger brother, Adam, falls head-over-heels in love with little Emma. All Dante can think about is how to get Melanie to come back and get him out of this impossible situation.Even though his A Level exam scores are perfect, Dante knows his plans for university and the future have become a distant dream. He quickly learns being a father might be the hardest job on earth. The more time he spends with Emma, the more his love begins to blossom. With the help of his dad, his brother, and his aunt, Dante begins to take his responsibility seriously.Maybe it is learning to love his daughter or maybe it's spending more time at home, but Dante also begins to discover his usually cheerful younger brother has some problems of his own. He finds himself filling not only the role of new father, but also that of protective older brother. Through it all he learns the true meaning of love and all the joy and pain it can bring.Author Malorie Blackman takes the usual teen parenthood story and turns it upside-down. Readers will be quickly drawn into Dante's experiences and will feel every moment of fear, regret, and exhilaration as he deals with all life has thrown his way. There are fabulous moments of joy, flashes of anger, and terrible tragedies as this odd family struggles to hold it all together.Reviewed by: Sally Kruger, aka "Readingjunky"

I loved this book. It took me on a emotional roller coaster, (:what i love most is that its a boy getting a baby and not the girl.

Got this book to read with my classes. Great message and easy read for struggling older readers.

Boys Don’t Cry isn’t just a book about a teenage boy who discovers that his ex-girlfriend had his baby and didn’t tell him until she turns up unannounced on his doorstep. It’s also a book about family relationships, and has one of the most interesting dynamics I’ve read in YA fiction for a long time.Dante is the quintessential good boy – he works hard at school, does what is expected of him, has a small group of close friends and a girlfriend. He’s got big dreams and ambitions. Until his former girlfriend turns up and leaves him with his new daughter. What makes the family dynamic so different is not just that Dante is the child of a single parent – he’s the child of a single father and his younger brother is openly gay – not that his father and Dante are particularly accepting of it.Boys Don’t Cry is a coming-of-age story, and it was great to see Dante moving through a whole bunch of different stages when coming to terms with the huge and unexpected changes that baby Emma brings to his life. Perhaps the only thing that didn’t feel completely realistic is that once Dante comes to terms with the idea that he’s a single teenage father, he doesn’t push things any further. Rather, he kind of just accepts his future, without any real plans on how he could break out from a stereotype, and given his potential I found that a little difficult to understand. However, having said that, he is determined to do the right thing, and the best job that he can. It just left me feeling a little conflicted.What I liked most about Boys Don’t Cry were the extra elements that I wasn’t really expecting – Dante’s relationship with his brother and father were particularly close and I loved that connection.The ending felt right – Dante really grows as a character, gets deeper into relationship with brother and father and comes to terms with the fact that his life is forever changed – even seeing the positives in a situation that could have been very negative and really invests time and energy in his daughter – recognising the importance of family. Definitely recommended for anyone looking for a more unique YA realistic fiction book.

Gold Star Award Winner!BOYS DON'T CRY by Malorie Blackman is an emotionally charged story about love and family and the different shapes they sometimes take. This book is one you won't want to miss.Dante is anxiously awaiting his A Level exam results. He is proud of himself for taking the exams a year early, and he's eager to know if his scores will have him headed to university in the near future. But when a knock at the door brings his old girlfriend and not the postman, Dante is in for the surprise of his life.Melanie has been gone for over a year. The last time they spent any time together was at a friend's party. That night they were both drunk and ended up in an upstairs bedroom, where they had a less-than-memorable sexual encounter. Now, Melanie was sitting in his living room holding a baby on her lap. Dante is at first confused and then shocked when Melanie tells him the baby is his daughter, Emma.If finding out he has a daughter is not enough, Melanie asks Dante to watch the baby for a bit while she goes out to run an errand. Before he has a chance to object, she is gone. And not long after, Melanie calls from her mobile phone and tells Dante she won't be coming back.Dante's father is furious when he hears about his son's irresponsible sexual behavior, but to Dante's amazement, he immediately leaps into action, making a plan and getting the supplies they need to care for a baby. Dante is equally shocked when his younger brother, Adam, falls head-over-heels in love with little Emma. All Dante can think about is how to get Melanie to come back and get him out of this impossible situation.Even though his A Level exam scores are perfect, Dante knows his plans for university and the future have become a distant dream. He quickly learns being a father might be the hardest job on earth. The more time he spends with Emma, the more his love begins to blossom. With the help of his dad, his brother, and his aunt, Dante begins to take his responsibility seriously.Maybe it is learning to love his daughter or maybe it's spending more time at home, but Dante also begins to discover his usually cheerful younger brother has some problems of his own. He finds himself filling not only the role of new father, but also that of protective older brother. Through it all he learns the true meaning of love and all the joy and pain it can bring.Author Malorie Blackman takes the usual teen parenthood story and turns it upside-down. Readers will be quickly drawn into Dante's experiences and will feel every moment of fear, regret, and exhilaration as he deals with all life has thrown his way. There are fabulous moments of joy, flashes of anger, and terrible tragedies as this odd family struggles to hold it all together.Reviewed by: Sally Kruger, aka "Readingjunky"

Okay this is my favorite book from malorie blackman! Even though I have only read 4 so, this book has a good plot and all but could by a little more interesting in the beginning! Read more of my reveiws :)

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